Saturday, 27 March 2010

In My Mailbox - 27 March

IMM is a result of The Story Siren and Pop Culture Junkie brain trust.

As mentioned in the vlog, you can vote for your Top 10 YA titles at this link. You can also check out what April is doing over at Good Books and Good Wine. Be supportive of the YA blogosphere and ensure you vote in both. We plan to compare and contrast results once we've both tabulated our results....which will be very interesting.

Steph Su has also interviewed me as a featured blogger. This is both sweet and a tad embarrassing as I love what Steph does over at Steph Su Reads. I tried to be amusing but I don't think I was all that successful :}

Psych Major Syndrome - Alicia Thompson
Patient Name: Leigh Nolan

Age: 18 years

Presenting Concerns:

Leigh Nolan has just started her first year at Stiles College. She has decided to major in psychology (even though her parents would rather she study Tarot cards than Rorschach blots), despite reporting that she thinks, "Psychology is a load of crap."

Patient has always been very good at helping her friends with their problems, but when it comes to solving her own...not so much.

Patient has a tendency to overanalyze things, particularly when the opposite sex is involved. Like why doesn't Andrew, her boyfriend of over a year, ever invite her to spend the night? Or why can't she commit to taking the next step in their relationship? And why does his roommate Nathan dislike her so much? More importantly, why did Nathan have a starring role in a much-more-than-friendly dream?

Aggravating factors include hyper-competitive fellow psych majors, a professor who's badly in need of her own psychoanalysis, and mentoring a middle-school-aged girl who thinks Patient is, in a word, nave.

Preliminary treatment will include Introduction to Psychology, but may require more if she's going to answer these questions and make it through her freshman year.


Psych Major Syndrome

I have been wanting to read this from the second I heard about it. Not only is it a contemporary romance but the protagonist is in college, instead of high school. One of the prettiest covers of last year also.

The Dead Tossed Waves - Carrie Ryan

Gabry lives a quiet life. As safe a life as is possible in a town trapped between a forest and the ocean, in a world teeming with the dead, who constantly hunger for those still living. She’s content on her side of the Barrier, happy to let her friends dream of the Dark City up the coast while she watches from the top of her lighthouse. But there are threats the Barrier cannot hold back. Threats like the secrets Gabry’s mother thought she left behind when she escaped from the Sisterhood and the Forest of Hands and Teeth. Like the cult of religious zealots who worship the dead. Like the stranger from the forest who seems to know Gabry. And suddenly, everything is changing. One reckless moment, and half of Gabry’s generation is dead, the other half imprisoned. Now Gabry only knows one thing: she must face the forest of her mother’s past in order to save herself and the one she loves.

Have been hearing mixed reports but I am still going to judge for myself.

Ballads of Suburbia - Stephanie Kuehnert

Ballads are the kind of songs that Kara McNaughton likes best. Not the cliched ones where a diva hits her highest note or a rock band tones it down a couple of notches for the ladies, but the true ballads: the punk rocker or the country crooner telling the story of their life in three minutes, the chorus reminding their listeners of the numerous ways to screw things up. In high school, Kara helped maintain the "Stories of Suburbia" notebook, which contained newspaper articles about bizarre and often tragic events from suburbs all over and personal vignettes that Kara dubbed "ballads" written by her friends in Oak Park, a suburb of Chicago. Those "ballads" were heartbreakingly honest tales of the moments when life changes and a kid is forced to grow up too soon. But Kara never wrote her own ballad. Before she could figure out what her song was about, she was leaving town after a series of disastrous events at the end of her junior year. Four years later, Kara returns to face the music, and tells the tale of her first three years of high school with her friends' "ballads" interspersed throughout.

So freaking excited to delve into this one. I might come out dishevelled, smelling on smoke and a little worse for wear but I am bound to be satisfied.

Perfect Chemistry - Simone Elkeles

When Brittany Ellis walks into chemistry class on the first day of senior year, she has no clue that her carefully created “perfect” life is about to unravel before her eyes. She’s forced to be lab partners with Alex Fuentes, a gang member from the other side of town, and he is about to threaten everything she's worked so hard for—her flawless reputation, her relationship with her boyfriend, and the secret that her home life is anything but perfect. Alex is a bad boy and he knows it. So when he makes a bet with his friends to lure Brittany into his life, he thinks nothing of it. But soon Alex realizes Brittany is a real person with real problems, and suddenly the bet he made in arrogance turns into something much more

Haven't heard anything bordering indifferent on this novel. It's been swiped with the awesome brush (and a RITA nominee as of this week).


Aye.Me? said...

You were successfully amusing, don't worry. :)

All the books you've gotten this week sound great! And all of them are on my wishlist. (though after reading Forest of Hands and Teeth I'm still unsure about Dead-Tossed Waves)

Mel (He Followed Me Home) said...

Awesome book buys this week! I hadn't heard of PMS (oh LOL!) but it looks like something I'd love so am off to check it out! I'm eager to see what you think of DTW, I have yet to read the 1st book but will be reading them both sometime this yr. All I've heard about PC is that it is full of awesomeness too so after the RITA nod, I ordered this book & will get it next week *squee*

Maria the Bookworm said...

Great books! Enjoy them :D

Kathy Martin said...

Your books all sound interesting. I'll be eager to hear what you think of Psych Major Syndrome. I have Perfect Chemistry somewhere in my massive TBR stack. I hope you thoughts on it encourages me to dig it out. Happy reading!

Stephanie aka The Stark Raving Bibliophile said...

It looks like you bought some great books. I've had my eye on Psych Major Syndrome for a while.

Miss Remmers said...

Looks like some fantastic reads! I can't wait to read your thoughts!

The Book Hour said...

Psych Major Syndrome sounds amazing - I might just have to read your review. I did the 10 BEST TEEN NOVELS EVER questionnaire, it will be cool to see what comes of it, so thanks for linking to the form. Perfect Chemistry is great, you will not regret reading it, and it's sequel/companion novel, which is due out soon, has the funniest last line EVER. :-) That is one kick ass series.

Spellboundbybooks Melissa said...

Hey, It's good to run into other Aussie Book Bloggers out there. Love the Vlog, and you have some fantastic books

TheBookMogul said...

I got Perfect Chemistry this week, can't wait to see what you thought of it. Enjoy!

Sarah said...

Perfect Chemistry! OMG. It's squeal-worthy-good. Hope you enjoy it as much as I did. It took me several days to get it out of my head.

Manda (Manda's Movements) said...

haha That's a great lot of books you got this week. Have fun! Here's Mine :)

I'm a Lit-Bitch, Baby said...

Awesome books, I picked up Perfect Chemistry last week and I'm hoping to get to it soon. It looks good!

Holly said...

Psych Major has also been on my wishlist for yonks, can't wait to read it.

Also need to pick up Perfect Chemistry due to all the raving reviews.

Check out my mailbox for the week :)

Christina T said...

Psych Major Syndrome is one I hadn't heard of before but it sounds fantastic. I am going to add it to my TBR list.

The Dead Tossed Waves and Perfect Chemistry are both books I really want to read. I hope you enjoy them. I've heard great things about The Dead Tossed Waves.

Rhiana said...

Great book, I have Perfect Chemistry to read which I am really looking forward too!

Maura said...

I keep seeing Perfect Chemistry everywhere so I must be really good. I hope you enjoy all your books, Happy Reading!!

Ladybug said...

Great vlog, Adele! I've done a post about your poll today. Amazing to hear that you've got 180 responses already and it's still a month left to vote. I've voted over at April's blog as well.

I've actually seen a couple of rather negative reviews of Perfect Chemistry, although 85 % have been loving it. So I'm really looking forward to hear your thoughts after you've read it.

Have a great week!