Teaser Tuesday: John Belushi is Dead

John Belushi is Dead

Kathy Charles
(MTV Books)

Way back in August of last year I excitedly reviewed an Australian penned novel called Hollywood Ending. Written by the talented Kathy Charles it delved into the world of death hags and the seedy side of Hollywood. It instantly left an imprint in my memory and I chose it as one of my top ten favourite reads of 2009.

Next month it will be released in the US with a new title - John Belushi is Dead - and a fantastic new cover. Almost instantly you can see why I equated it with the work of Stephanie Kuehnert and Cecil Castellucci.

I wrote this as my reason for it being a best read of 2009 -
"Two words...death hags. We are all preoccupied with death in some ways and in Hilda's case it's due in large part to her parent's death, she's just projected that onto celebrity deaths in Hollywood. It's a fascinating world that Charles has crafted, one where the unsettling is quite normal. An unlikely friendship develops while another falls apart. An unique exploration of death, grief, guilt and the healing that takes place when we connect with others."

It is truly unlike anything I've read. It is a fantastically unique and superbly crafted debut effort and hopefully the first of many.

Out in store on the 24th of August 2010 it is a must buy!

Kathy Charles' Twitter


celi.a said...

I was curious about this one when I saw your review of it last year, and I still am now (and I adore the new cover!). Nice teaser!

kate.o.d said...

i LOVED this one.

but i'm not sold on the new cover, i guess they're really pushing it as a YA, which is fine, but in my experience it's only really appealed to adults and i think this cover would turn most adults off. and as much as i liked cecil castelucci's beige (and i think i read the one about the girl called egg, too) i do think hollywood ending has something a bit more - more oomph, a bit more complex perhaps?
but then again, do kids know who john belushi is?
perhaps i just don't like the cover. yeah, i don't like it. it looks cheap.

Chapter Chicks said...

This book looks really good and I love the cover! I'll definitely be picking it up when it comes out!