Friday, 14 January 2011

Australian bloggers - assistance?

If you are an Australian blogger who presents YA content on your blog I would love your assistance.  I am currently gathering some information on the bloggers that help to shine a light on YA (whether it be Australian or international).  Your content can be exclusively YA or only marginally.  This does not include YA authors at this time but may do so at a later date.

It would be fantastic if you could take the time to email me with your name (optional), blog's title and hyperlink and which state in our fine country you are from.

All will be explained sometime in the future.

Thank you


Brodie said...

I sent you an email! :)

Adele said...

Yes you did... in fact you were no. 1 :)

Anonymous said...

Do you Twitter? I started friending Australian librarians on Twitter and just found a phenomenal amount of people to connect to. MIght be worth a try!

Sean Wright said...

How marginal is marginal. I have done 2-3 YA reviews.