Thursday, 25 March 2010

The Status Report - Melissa Walker

The Status Report is a new feature you will find on Persnickety Snark every Thursday. The idea is that you will get a quick catch up with authors that aren't in the publicity rounds for a new release. They can share what they are up to with their current WIPs and book tours.

The first cab off the rank is the awesome and vlogtastic Melissa Walker. Her most recent release was 2009's Lovestruck Summer which was highly regarded (and enjoyed) by the YA blogosphere.

So what is Melissa up to these days?

You can find Melissa over at her blog where she is always shining the spotlight on her colleagues.

On a personal note, I chose to start with Melissa as she was the first YA author I wrote to about her work. In 2008, I was blogging at the Sarah Dessen Diarist and she'd commented on my chapter responses. I found her blog, read it for weeks and then decided to order her books from the States. Over a weekend I read all of her Violet titles and was instantly smitten with Kurt. This was months before PSnark was even an idea and strangely before I realised there was a YA blogosphere. I didn't realise until recently (I can be dense) that she was a big inspiration for PSnark and allowing me to see that authors can be really approachable.

Thanks so much, Melissa! I cannot wait until 2011.


Erin said...

YAY! Melissa Walker is awesome!!!

Adele said...

Nothing more true has ever been said :)

Kris (Voracious YAppetite) said...

Hey there Adele. Just came across your new feature - and boy, is it awesome. I really love this idea. It's great to get updates straight from the source, especially through a vid. I like that it's relatively short, too, like a teaser. Thanks!

Robby said...

I am so ashamed to say I have never read any of Melissa's books.
I need to. I know.
She's so cute! :]