Monday, 21 December 2009

The FIVE Challenge

The Persnickety Snark FIVE Challenge

For the remaining days of December I have decided to post daily on different elements of YA. I will choose my top five titles/series/moments for each day and you can give your two cents worth and tell me what I forgot. It's purely subjective and completely opinion based but I thought it might be fun.

I have included the themes for each day below so should you choose to join me you can. It's a busy time of year so you might even pre-schedule posts or only chime in on the topics that interest you. All that I ask is that you link to my corresponding post!

So buckle in and get ready for Persnickety Snark's FIVE Challenge 2009.

December 21 - 5 Great Debuts
December 22 - 5 Great Covers
December 23 - 5 Great Series
December 24 - 5 Great Re-Reads (books you've LOVED so much you went back for more)
December 25 - 5 Most Anticipated (2010 titles)
December 26 - 5 Hopes for YA in 2010
December 27 - 5 Great YA Movie Deals
December 28 - 5 Great Author (in the flesh) Moments
December 29 - 5 Great YA Bloggers
December 30 - 5 Great Miracles that Occurred to Get Me Reading More ______ (choose your genre)
December 31 - 5 Best Titles for 2009

I look forward to the discussion that will inevitably take place!

1 comment:

Steph Su said...

YES! I love "Best of" lists, though I admire you for limiting your lists to only five each. (As you might've seen, mine got a little out of control...) As for the 5 debuts, I definitely agree with you about Jessica's Guide. Really looking forward to reading Jekel Loves Hyde! :)