Friday, 18 September 2009

BBAW: Persnickety Snark Sets Some Goals

BBAW Setting Goals!
Write in 50 words or less…what do you like best about your blog right now and where would you like your blog to be a year from now?

I've decided to be a rule breaker again and break the 50 word limit. Bahahahaha.

Rambling Reflection
I like to think that my reviews are my strength but of late I suspect that my discussion posts (archive here) are. I think part of it is that it takes less time to write one of them, whereas reviews take me forever. I like my reviews to be constructive which involves a lot more thinking (thus time) than a simple gush or grizzle-fest.

I read this week that people don’t think much of summaries grabbed from the publishers but writing as many reviews as I do, I prefer to use the publisher's intended pitch for the book and then add my own thoughts.

My discussion posts seem to generate the most interest for the blog and I have the most fun writing them so it’s definitely something I will pursue more in the next year.

In the next year:
• I would like to find a format that is a good medium between functionality, fun, and clean lines.
• Generate more discussion and thus increase comments, specifically positive discussion.
• Focus more intently on Australian Young Adult Literature
• Maybe study/work in the literature field.
• Have a cohesive plan for my WIP and be mostly through writing it

The Big Wish - to find a position that incorporates my love of YA literature, whether in or out of my current profession of teaching.


Book Dragon said...

I always start my review with publishing info (pages, date, etc) then the publisher's summary before adding my thoughts. The My Thoughts is in bold so I guess someone could skip ahead.,

Cara Powers said...

I think I do a better job at writing cover copy than is on most book jackets. I could very well be wrong. So I start with my own set up. It also helps me practice leads. Ooh, I sound snotty.

PolishOutlander said...

Would love to know more about Australian YA from you! :)
There's an award waiting for you here:

Alix said...

Good luck with your goals. I'm glad I found your blog, I really like it and it's always nice to meet a fellow Melina Marchetta fan.

Mel (He Followed Me Home) said...

You rebel, lol.

Great goals, I would love to find out more about Australian YA!

Mel (He Followed Me Home) said...

You rebel, lol.

Great goals, I would love to find out more about Australian YA!

Lauren said...

Very inspiring goals - I can relate to these. I do think your blog's layout is looking perfect at the moment. Great job!

Sherry said...

Australian YA is an intriguing thought, but I must say that last year's Jellicoe Road left me cold. That was Australian, wasn't it? Not that I'm trying to lump all Australian writers into one category. It's probably a reader problem; I just didn't get it.

At any rate, you are cordially invited to share links to your reviews at the Saturday Review of Books at Semicolon. It's a good way to advertise your reviews and share your reading finds with others.