Tuesday 18 August 2009

Reader's Snapshot - Lisa Mantchev

If my randomness could find a soulmate, then Lisa Mantchev's randomness would be top of its list! She's wacky, she's smart as all heck and she's current enjoying her third print run of the uber-successul debut title, Eyes Like Stars.

Lisa is the author of the week here at Persnickety Snark. Now let's strap her to the table and subject her to the reader's snapshot inquiry.

Which book is memorable from your teen years?
The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe. And that's odd, because I didn't read it, I saw it performed by a troupe of three actors, who played all parts and acted out the entire book using only a steamer trunk full of costume bits. It made a HUGE impression on me, because I immediately went off to write my own play (an amalgam of Narnia, Alice in Wonderland and other fantasy novels.)

Describe your high school English teacher in three words...
I actually had four... one for each year. I'll go with my senior year AP English prof: trial by fire. *G*

Your book of the moment?
My current love is Frank Beddor's Looking Glass series.

What do you use to mark your page when reading?
Bookmark. Sometimes the jacket flap, if I'm reading a hardcover. And sometimes I leave them face-down on the nightstand. *shame!*

Favourite place to read?
In my parents' second house, we had a window seat in our formal living room that overlooked our driveway and lawn, which was canopied by a massive oak tree. I thought having a window seat was very Little Princess and spent hours reading there.

Favourite word?
Today? Coterie.

Favourite book store?
Anything with old, used hardcovers. *loves to rummage for treasure*

Character you wish you had created?
Harry Potter. *loff* Actually, I adore the character of Howl from Diana Wynne Jones's Howl's Moving Castle. (Also the Miyazaki movie-version of him.)

Thanks Lis! Come back Thursday for an interview of equal randomness and brilliance on her debut novel :) Eyes Like Stars is available at all good book stores and you should check out Lisa's blog and website stat!


Liyana said...

The Mizayaki movie version was hot, no?

Sarah said...

LOVED Eyes Like Stars. Great interview :D

Anonymous said...

I agree-Miyazaki's Howl was uber-hot. Lisa's coolness factor just blew the roof for mentioning him. :)