Monday 22 June 2009

Reader's Snapshot - Elizabeth Scott

Colour me excited - it's Elizabeth Scott Week here at Persnickety Snark!! We've got today's snapshot interview, an interview on her most recent release Love You Hate You Miss You on Wednesday and on Friday we have an awesome Aussie themed vlog that had me in stitches (two words - budgie smugglers).

Stay tuned for some awesomeness AND make sure you get your hands on Love You Hate You Miss You out in bookstores now.

Which book is memorable from your teen years?
The Sweet Valley High series. Reading the first few (before I gave up) made me wonder what exactly it was authors thought people my age did because in the Sweet Valley books, nothing remotely like what was going on in my life or the life of my friends ever happened. EVER. That and the twins were a perfect size six, which never made sense to me. How can you be a "perfect" size anything?

Describe your high school English teacher in three words...
Well, I had three, so:
First one: Shakespeare, perm, short
Second one: angry, Mississippi, angry (the extra angry was really needed for this one, trust me)Third one: Shakespeare, Ayn Rand (yep, really--had to read lots of her in order to graduate (!)), circle (we used to have to sit in one)

Your book of the moment?
Right now, I don't have one. I'm in the middle of copy edits and I'm so exhausted I just watch DVDs whenever I have a free moment. Right now I'm re-watching Saved.

What do you use to mark your page when reading?
I dog ear. I know some people hate that but I also write in my books, so I figure dog earring isn't that bad.

Favourite place to read?
Anywhere. I have read in cars, on trains, on plane, in the tub, standing in line, sitting in traffic--anywhere and time I get a chance to open a book, I'll do it.

Favourite word?

Favourite book store?
I love all book stores with a passion that borders on the ridiculous. Any time I go anywhere, first thing I do? Visit the local grocery store and book store.

Character you wish you had created?
Not a one. There are so many great characters out there I never could have thought of, and finding out about them--and reading about them!--is one of life's greatest pleasures

Bonus Question - Favourite Melina Marchetta title?
Looking For Alibrandi

Thank you to Elizabeth for participating in the Reader's Snapshot. She's got great taste - Marchetta and Pascal - two HUGE authors from my adolescence. On Wednesday, read Elizabeth's thoughts on her newest title...


Diana Dang said...

Great interview!

libliz said...

Elizabeth Scott week is my kind of week! Fun interview.

I've requested Love You, Hate You, Miss You & Something, Maybe @ my local library. Hopefully, they will arrive soon.

Thao said...

Great interview. I love Elizabeth and Looking For Alibrandi is my fav MM book too!

prophecygirl said...

Thanks for this - I love Elizabeth! Looking forward to the rest of ES week :)

kami said...

Oh man, I completely know what you're talking about with the 'teen books' that have nothing to do with real teen lives. What a pet peeve!