Monday, 18 May 2009

Siggy and Amber / Doug MacLeod

Summary - There is something strange at Tallis Point. Siggy knows, because he's seen it. And now the mysterious, non-blonde Amber want to see it too.Should Siggy take Amber to Tallis Point? On the good side, he might end up with a girlfriend. On the bad side, he might explode. It's a tough decision.

Review - If you read my In My Mailbox review for last week you will see that I was not all that keen to read this book. The blurb didn't ignite any interest in me at all. I was wrong...I love when that happens!

Amber and Siggy is an extremely well crafted storyline of young love amongst the mysteries of a country town. The world that MacLeod has created is unique, hilarious and poignant. It's the people that make this story such a fantastic read. Siggy is a character that anyone can relate to, he's self-deprecating, bumbling and will completely win you over. Whether it be the burgeoning love with the straight talking Amber, his fond sibling relationship with Helenka, the youthful shenanigans with Fergus or the shift in the family dynamics, it all makes the world of Samsara very real.

What I enjoy the most about MacLeod's writing is the humour throughout. There are many jokes that are ongoing and so well placed that I found myself laughing aloud while on public transport. The humour isn't cheap or clunky, it strikes to the heart of the matter, allowing the characters to make fun of themselves but always remaining true.

You cannot help but find yourself entangled in the mysteries and interactions of this town. From random mentions of Highlands dancing, Scooby Doo t-shirts, beautiful slow-mo running brothers, abysmal works of art, thick Scottish accents and friendly ghosts - you cannot help but fall for MacLeod's characters and the romance of Amber and Sigismund. A great read!

Published: 1 June, 2009
Format: Paperback, 227 pages
Publisher: Penguin
Origin; Australia
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Unknown said...

I really really really want this book now. I wish I could just teleport to Australia and just grab all the YA books from a bookshelf. But that's besides the point.

Fantastic review!!!!!

Thao said...

This book synopsis makes me feel really curious actually. Seems like this is something I'll love a lot. I like jokes ^^

Will hunt down a copy of this book. Thanks for the review, Adele!