Monday, 26 January 2009

About Adele

My aim for Persnickety Snark is that it be a home for YA (Young Adult literature) reviews and authors interviews with an emphasis on Australian authors. I offer constructive and honest reviews as well as in depth interviews, thought provoking discussion posts and an unique perspective.

Persnickety Snark aka...Adele
I am an Australian teacher currently living in Shizuoka, Japan. I have taught for the past six years in Australian classrooms and am taking the year off to teach Japanese kindy kids.

I have a Bachelor of Education degree with a sub-major in Children's Literature as well as a Masters of Business (Administrative Management).

Review Policy
I read, review and post for the love of it. It's a hobby that takes approximately 30 hours of my week. I am passionate about the YA genre, its authors and more importantly, its readership.

I will gladly accept review copies from authors and publishers willing to offer titles. I also have no problem in hosting contests or authors for interviews, I just ask that I am given the opportunity to read the book before either of these things follow.

Preferred Genres:
I am particulary fond of fantasy, chick-lit, dystopian, contemporary issues based, romance, historical fiction and literary fiction all within the young adult field.

I will not read a series non-sequentially. If I have not read the previous titles then I cannot review the newest without adequate knowledge of the overall arc. It would not be fair of me to review without the full picture the author intended.

Science fiction is a genre that I tend to avoid.

I am not currently accepting e-books or PDF's though this is likely to change soon. Stay tuned.

Review Policy:
I can not guarantee that a review will be positive, but it will be fair. I write reviews that I feel are honest and will help my readers select quality books for their reading time. I always include book cover, link to author website, publication details, synopsis, and my personal thoughts about the book in each review. I also post my reviews on GoodReads and some appear on the Australian online literary blog Boomerang Books.

As of January 2011, this blog currently receives approximately 1200 visitors a day.

Almost all of the books I receive for review are provided by the publisher or the author. In all reviews, I list the source of the review copy. I do not accept/receive monetary compensation for my reviews.

Please feel free to contact me if interested with your review requests.

Contact information: adele AT persnicketysnark DOT com

Thank you!


LisaMay said...

Happy Australia Day!! :)

Alea said...

You know, since there is no new tv on tonight and think it might be due time for a V Mars episode or two, and I totally was thinking this right before I looked at your post. I think that's a sign!

Anonymous said...

Just want to say great blog. What a good niche. I think I stumbled across your blog a couple of years ago when you were blogging about Idol. It appears you have had a revamp.

I also blog but about reality TV.

I will link your blog to mine. I think some of my readers would like it.

Adele said...

Alea - You are a VMars-er? I think we must be soulmates. What's your LoVe stance?

Reality Raver - thanks so much. Will have to have a look again at your blog, love me some reality TV.

Alea said...

Yes! You lost me on my LoVe stance?

Anonymous said...

There doesn't seem to be a huge contingent of Australian YA bloggers that I am aware of but should you be one, please contact me.

Hi! I'm Australian and I blog -- I'm obsessed with YA, so that is sometimes what I write about. Except when I am writing about zombies. (I'm firmly anti-Team Unicorn, but I suspect Diana Peterfreund's forthcoming novel Rampant might shift my stance a little.)

I also wallow in the glorious Supernatural manpain, loved the first season of VMars -- but stopped there so can't give you a definitive LoVe stance -- and am 2.5 seasons behind on BSG. Heh. Former Buffy and Firefly obsessive, still a giant Tamora Pierce fangirl.

My favourite Sarah Dessen is definitely This Lullaby, followed by Just Listen.

... Yes. Hi! I like your posts, particularly the interviews.

Team Zombie

Lynn M said...

Wow. I think we might be twins separated by a huge ocean. I, too, love Buffy, Angel, Firefly and Supernatural (kind of got unhooked on Lost after Season 2), but I don't consider myself a fan of Sci Fi/Fantasy books. I do like paranormal (as in JR Ward's Black Dagger Brotherhood) books. And I'm a total sucker for fantasy movies (my all time fav is the Peter Jackson's LoTR trilogy). So go figure, I guess I'm a hypocrite too.

And I think we'll have to mud wrestle over Tim Riggins since I also plan to marry him, even though that would make me a polygamist. :)

Anyway, nice to find your blog. I do love YA and it's great to find a place where I can read reviews.

mee said...

I'm Australian and I blog too. I just found a couple of Aussie bloggers in the past couple of days. Before that I didn't know there was any lol. It's nice to find your blog.

barking owl said...

Hi there,
I've just started blogging about YA fiction, with a focus on positive role models for girls.

stumbled on your blog. wow!

any advice?


Steph Bowe said...

Hi Adele!

I just thought I'd let you know that I met Melina Marchetta recently, and she is absolutely lovely, and I'm sure that she'll let you give her a hug.

I hope your own writing is coming along well (I personally would love to read something you've written!)


Anonymous said...

Addeeeeellllee have unwittingly handed me tim riggins on a silver platter - I will not go down without a fight for his hand in marriage!

hazel said...

I found your comments on the value of YA authors blogging to be very valuable and provoked me into guest blogs, pre-release of our current book. Although I've had a monthly updated author website( for years, the release of our YA novel "f2m;the boy within'( has meant learning about book trailers, Youtube links and the importance of guest blogging in a rapidly electronic YA audience. It's the speed of electronic reading which is so exciting. My co-author Ryan Kennedy created the booktrailer, because our transgender subject is controversial and we wanted the humour and accuracy of our novel to be conveyed.I'm fascinated by the speed at which links and hits occur, in comparison with earlier YA novels which were print reviewed, months later. I'm sure your YA blog links have already picked up our guest blogs, and the book isn;t released until Feb 1st